Here you will find information about Careers for Girls. I will upload sneak previews and updates of my other books soon.
Careers for Girls.
Let go the sandbags
and dream BIG.

Diverse and inclusive women with STEM, Trade and Art careers. Help take the focus away from what girls can look like, to what girls can do.
Quite a few books and toys aimed at young girls seem to contain a lot of pink, and feature princesses, fairies and skinny dolls with makeup. These are fun to play with and read about, but where are the role models to balance out girls’ expectations of real life? Who can make them feel worthy and valued?
Who can show girls they can become important in their field of work, invent new technology, discover new medicines, inspire others, or choose a career that could save people, animals or the planet?
Girls have a right to help shape the world they are going to live in as adults, and STEM jobs can help.
Young girls today are growing up in an image-conscious world that is teaching them to care less about ‘making a difference’ and more about making their faces look different.
The young women in this book want people to look at them and think smart first, not ‘pretty’ first. They prefer a makeup-free look and don’t mind a few hairs
out of place. These diverse and inclusive women want to help young girls realise that what they can look like is not as important as what they can do.
Whether these women are walking around, using wheelchairs or wearing prosthetic limbs, they are all strong and capable.
Careers for Girls features:
- Explanations of STEM and why it’s important.
- The barriers that stop girls getting into STEM.
- Descriptions of STEM, trade and art careers and what’s so great about them.
- A note about friends, and a ‘Girls Supporting Girls’ logo.
- A poem about ‘Tap Water’ for green homes and schools.
- Drawing and fill-in activities
- A ‘Mindfulness’ moment.
- Original hand-drawn artwork
- Interesting, colourful backgrounds with conversation starters.
- Irish places of interest.
It is time for girls to rise and they don’t need any more distractions.
They need role models. Give a young girl in your life the gift of a bright future, and let her …

Careers for Girls
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Careers for Girls Anne Daly
ISBN 9781739817503